The Body Master Fitness Studio

Sugar Free Sunday : Super Bowl Style Black Bean Dip

Football season may be winding down but that isn’t going to stop us from making today a great one. While it’s easy to forget our diet’s during “America’s Holiday”, being able to indulge while staying on track is extremely rewarding. Looking at it though, most of the items eaten during the Super Bowl typically are high in calories, protein, and other great things.

Not counting the potato chips and various dips, I know my family will often grab a platter of chicken wings, a veggie tray, and pizza to top it all off which is always stock full of meat. While the pizza is definitely the worst of the bunch, the other two aren’t as bad as they could be. However, going back to the potatoes and dips, this is where your diet gets WRECKED!

Potato chips are basically just air, salt, and empty carbs / calories. Sure you can get the “good” potato chips or kettle chips but the amount of carbs / calories stays just about the same. Plus, we can never eat just one can we?

While chips have always been the main opponent to a nutritious diet, those five layer dips or jars of Frito Lay ranch that we use to dip, well, everything into, are actually a far more scary proposition.

That’s why, this Super Bowl Sunday, I want you to give a healthy and still delicious dip a try! This is a Super Bowl Style Black Bean Dip that’s low in fat and high on flavor!



  1. This recipe is pretty straight forward. Take all those ingredients except the water and mix them together in a food processor or blender.
  2. Add water to the mix until it reaches your desired consistency.
  3. Enjoy!

It’s really just that easy to get everything you need for the big game without destroying your diet in the process!

That’s it for this Super Bowl edition of Sugar Free Sunday and until next time, think healthy, be healthy.

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