The Body Master Fitness Studio

Train In Water

Water Aerobic Running Houston

If you feel every movement in your joints during normal training, it’s time to train in water. Traditionally, water training has been used for those who are in their senior years or as a method of rehabilitation training for those who find it impossible to train on land. That’s because it minimizes the potential for injury or reinjury by building balanced muscle strength due to to resistance for all directions.

You’ll see faster results with water training.

When you train in water you’re working your muscles in all directions, since the water provides resistance. You’ll be working muscle groups in all directions, whether lengthening the muscles or shortening them. It brings faster results and can boost any fitness program.

Burn calories faster with water training.

If you’ve ever spent time at the beach, whether just splashing in the water or swimming, you probably went home tired and hungry. That’s because you’ve burned a massive amount of calories. Every time you push the water with your hands or feet, you’re getting a workout that’s similar to weight lifting. You can test it easily at home by filling the tub. First, open your hand and push your arm through the air. That’s not very difficult. Next, with an open palm move that same hand through water. You can feel the resistance, which tells you your body is working harder, burning more calories.

Stay cooler while you workout when you workout in water.

During the hot summer months there’s a real potential for heat stroke and heat exhaustion if you’re working out. While you should always take precautions on hot days or during long workouts, pool training has far less potential for either of these dangers. In fact, one of the suggestions for treating heat exhaustion, besides drinking plenty of cool fluids, is to immerse the body in cool water, such as a tub or pool.

Consider training in a salt water pool. You won’t have the stinging effects of chlorine when you train in a saltwater pool. Few places offer this type of accommodation since it’s more difficult to maintain and more expensive than chlorinated pools.

When you workout in a pool it’s a lot more fun. It can be an addition to a regular exercise program to beat monotony or be the primary way to exercise.

Working out in a pool is simply safer. While it works the body harder, it also stresses it less. That’s a combination that’s hard to beat.

Some people want to enjoy the benefits of working out in water, but feel uncomfortable and self-conscious going to the beach. A workout pool is the perfect solution.

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